I have been doing some digging on the CCX carbon trading scandal the last few days, and I came across this 2006 publication by Tseming Yang – a professor at Vermont Law school. It confirms much of what Glenn Beck has already discussed, and sheds more light on the inner workings of the scandal
Below is an easy to read chart that shows the key players in this scandal and their relationships
CCX Scandal
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Tags: Barack Obama, Carbon Credits, carbon market, Carbon offsets, carbon trade, carbon trading, CCX, Chicago Climate Exchange, Climate Change Climate Hoax, commodities, Crime Inc. Glenn Beck, Democrats, Energu tax, Energy, Energy Policy, Energy Prices, energy prices will necessarily skyrocket, energy rationing, flow chart, Global Warming, Goldman Sachs, green energy, green jobs, Joyce Foundation, LameStream Media, Liberals, Progressives, Redistribution of Wealth, Sandor, Scam, scandal, visualization